Marc Satterwhite Marc Satterwhite Marc Satterwhite Marc Satterwhite

Marc Satterwhite Marc Satterwhite Marc Satterwhite Marc Satterwhite



Photo by Steve Satterwhite Photography
Marc Satterwhite
(Photo by Steve Satterwhite Photography)

Marc Satterwhite’s music has been performed in diverse venues all over the United States, as well as in Europe, England, Australia, the Americas, South Africa,Japan, Hong Kong, China and South Korea.

Among the groups and individuals that have performed and recorded his works are the Boston Symphony, the Utah Symphony, the Louisville Orchestra, the Verdehr Trio, eighth blackbird, the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble, Earplay, the Core Ensemble, Tales & Scales, the Chicago Chamber Musicians, the Millar Brass, the London Composers Ensemble, Percussion Group Falsa, tubist Gene Pokorny, harpist Parker Ramsay and clarinetist Richard Nunemaker. Numerous collegiate new music ensembles have performed his music, as well. He has received residencies at several artist colonies, including the MacDowell Colony and Yaddo, and has lectured and given master classes at colleges and conservatories both in the US and abroad.

He is a graduate of Michigan State University and Indiana University and was for several years a professional orchestral bassist before switching his emphasis to composition. He has taught in Texas, Indiana and Michigan and is a retired Professor of Composition and Music Theory at the University of Louisville School of Music where, in addition to his teaching duties, he directed the Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition for 19 years.